This is the easiest edible you will ever make & this is the simplest recipe perhaps posted. Ham & an egg fried in cannabutter makes for one epic breakfast sandwich.

Cooking Time: 20 mins
Serving: 1 Person


  • 1 table spoon cannabutter
  • 2 thick slices ham
  • 1 egg
  • 1 multigrain bun
  • black pepper, freshly cracked
  • desired condiments


Step 1

Add the cannabutter to a skillet or frying pan over medium-low heat. Once the cannabutter has melted add the ham.

DO NOT allow the pan to heat up too much as the THC in the cannabutter will vaporize at around 355°F

Step 2

Brown the ham on one side for a few minutes, once browned flip it over. Add the egg into the pan beside the ham, making sure it cooks in the remaining cannabutter. Add a pinch of freshly cracked black pepper to the top of the egg & cook to your liking.

Live Resin at Weedway, Sunland Tujunga, LA

Live Resin at Legal Weed Dispensary, Sunland, California

Step 3

Once the ham & egg are done, place the ham on a plate & place the egg on top. Leave the frying pan over the heat.

Step 4

Slice the bun in half & place the cut sides down onto the frying pan & use the bun to soak up any of the remaining cannabutter. Allow it to sit for 1 minute if you would like it toasted a bit.

Step 5

Remove the bun & spread on any condiments you desire such as mayo, sriracha mayo, garlic aioli, etc. ENJOY!