Cannabis-Infused Brownie Recipe

Servings: 8 Persons


  • 100 grams of butter
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup sugar
  • Half a cup flour
  • 200 grams of chocolate to melt, if possible, special for desserts
  • 4 grams of cannabis (0.5 g per person)

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Step 1

First we put the oven to heat to 120ºC (it won’t cost us anything to make the dough, so the ideal thing is to be ready to put our mixture as soon as we finish preparing it).

Step 2

Next, heat a frying pan, to which we will add the butter and chocolate that we are going to mix little by little.

Step 3

While this is being done, in a bowl, add the eggs, sugar, flour and stir. You can do it with a fork or, the easiest thing (even if it’s not, gastronomically speaking, the most professional thing) is to take the mixer and in half a second it’s all mixed without unpleasant lumps.

Step 4

Finally, add the chocolate and weed that will have to be very well crushed and put it in the oven.. How long? It depends on how patient you are. At 120 degrees, in 60 minutes you have it. To check it out, just open the oven after that time, prick the brownie with the tip of a knife and if comes out clean, it’s ready.