How to Make Cannabis Tincture with Coconut Oil

Although tinctures can be made with other oils, coconut oil has enough fatty acids to perfectly bind with the cannabinoids.


  • Saucepan
  • Coffee filters or cheesecloth
  • Mason jar
  • Grinder
  • One cup of coconut oil
  • 3.5 g (0,12 oz) of cannabis
  • Glass container
  • Grind your cannabis first, but skip the decarbing process.

Cannabis Tinctures available at Weedway, Sunland Tujunga, LA

Cannabis Tinctures available at WeedWay – Los Angeles, California, Sunland-Tujunga based Legal Weed Dispensary


Step 1

Pour the weed and coconut oil into a saucepan and place it on a pan. Set it to medium heat for the next 6 to 8 hours. You can also add a little bit of water if you determine that it’s needed.

Step 2

After that, just pour the oil into a container, and keep your tincture in the fridge.